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Robert Gomez

Learn the Fundamentals and Applications of Geotechnical Engineering with this Book: Geotechnical Engineering Principles and Practices 2nd Edition PDF Free 138

Geotechnical Engineering Principles and Practices 2nd Edition PDF Free 138

Are you interested in learning about geotechnical engineering? Do you want to know how to design foundations, slopes, retaining walls, tunnels, dams, and other structures that interact with soil and rock? Do you want to download a comprehensive and updated book on geotechnical engineering for free? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this article is for you.

geotechnical engineering principles and practices 2nd edition pdf free 138


In this article, you will learn what geotechnical engineering is, why it is important, what are the principles and practices of geotechnical engineering, and how to learn geotechnical engineering from books and resources. You will also find out how to download a popular book on geotechnical engineering principles and practices 2nd edition pdf free 138. So, let's get started!

What is Geotechnical Engineering?

Geotechnical engineering is a branch of civil engineering that deals with the behavior and properties of earth materials such as soil and rock. It applies the principles of mechanics, hydraulics, geology, and mathematics to analyze, design, construct, and maintain structures that are built on or in the ground.

The scope of geotechnical engineering is broad and diverse. It covers topics such as foundation engineering, slope stability, earth retention systems, soil improvement techniques, geosynthetics, groundwater flow and seepage, soil dynamics and earthquake engineering, rock mechanics and rock engineering, underground space utilization, geoenvironmental engineering, geohazards assessment and mitigation, offshore geotechnics, pavement engineering, and more.

Why is Geotechnical Engineering Important?

Geotechnical engineering is important for several reasons. First of all, it ensures the safety and stability of structures that are built on or in the ground. For example, geotechnical engineers design foundations that can support the load of buildings, bridges, towers, etc., without excessive settlement or failure. They also design slopes that can resist landslides or erosion. They also design retaining walls that can prevent soil from collapsing or sliding. They also design tunnels that can withstand the pressure of the surrounding rock mass. They also design dams that can hold water without leaking or breaking.

Secondly, geotechnical engineering enhances the performance and efficiency of structures that are built on or in the ground. For example, geotechnical engineers improve the strength and stiffness of soil by using various methods such as compaction, grouting, reinforcement, drainage, etc. They also use geosynthetics such as geotextiles, geogrids, geomembranes, etc., to provide functions such as separation, filtration, reinforcement, drainage, and barrier. They also control the groundwater flow and seepage by using methods such as pumping, dewatering, cut-off walls, etc. They also reduce the vibration and noise of structures by using methods such as isolation, damping, absorption, etc.

Thirdly, geotechnical engineering contributes to the sustainability and environmental protection of structures that are built on or in the ground. For example, geotechnical engineers use natural or recycled materials such as soil, rock, sand, gravel, etc., to construct structures that are economical and eco-friendly. They also use renewable energy sources such as geothermal, hydroelectric, wind, etc., to power structures that are energy-efficient and low-carbon. They also use biodegradable or recyclable materials such as organic matter, plastics, metals, etc., to dispose of structures that are waste-free and harmless. They also use bioremediation or phytoremediation methods to clean up contaminated soil or groundwater that are pollution-free and healthy.

What are the Principles of Geotechnical Engineering?

The principles of geotechnical engineering are based on two main disciplines: soil mechanics and rock mechanics. These disciplines study the behavior and properties of soil and rock under various conditions of stress, strain, temperature, moisture, etc.

Soil Mechanics

Soil mechanics is the science that deals with the engineering behavior of soil. Soil is a complex and heterogeneous material that consists of solid particles (minerals and organic matter), water, and air. The basic properties of soil include density, porosity, permeability, compressibility, shear strength, consolidation, etc. The basic classification of soil includes grain size distribution, Atterberg limits, soil groups, etc.

Soil mechanics analyzes the stress and strain relationships of soil under various loading conditions such as gravity, external forces, pore water pressure, etc. It also analyzes the failure modes and criteria of soil under various loading conditions such as bearing capacity, shear failure, slope failure, etc. It also analyzes the deformation and settlement of soil under various loading conditions such as elastic deformation, plastic deformation, consolidation settlement, etc.

Rock Mechanics

Rock mechanics is the science that deals with the engineering behavior of rock. Rock is a solid and hard material that consists of minerals and sometimes organic matter. The basic properties of rock include density, porosity, permeability, compressibility, shear strength, fracture toughness, etc. The basic classification of rock includes rock types, rock structures, rock masses, etc.

Rock mechanics analyzes the stress and strain relationships of rock under various loading conditions such as gravity, external forces, pore water pressure, etc. It also analyzes the failure modes and criteria of rock under various loading conditions such as tensile failure, shear failure, buckling failure, etc. It also analyzes the deformation and fracture of rock under various loading conditions such as elastic deformation, plastic deformation, brittle fracture, ductile fracture, etc.

What are the Practices of Geotechnical Engineering?

The practices of geotechnical engineering are based on two main activities: site investigation and testing. These activities provide the necessary information and data for the analysis, design, construction, and maintenance of geotechnical structures.

Site Investigation

Site investigation is the process of collecting and interpreting information about the subsurface conditions at a given location. The objectives of site investigation are to identify the type and distribution of soil and rock layers, to determine their physical and mechanical properties, to assess their suitability for engineering purposes, and to identify any potential geohazards or environmental issues.

The methods of site investigation include desk study, field reconnaissance, borehole drilling, sampling, in-situ testing, geophysical surveying, etc. The results of site investigation are presented in the form of borehole logs, cross-sections, contour maps, geological maps, etc.


Testing is the process of measuring and evaluating the behavior and properties of soil and rock samples or specimens under controlled conditions. The objectives of testing are to verify or supplement the information obtained from site investigation, to provide input parameters for analysis and design models, to evaluate the performance or quality of construction materials or methods, and to monitor the behavior or condition of geotechnical structures.

The methods of testing include laboratory testing and field testing. Laboratory testing involves subjecting soil or rock samples to various types of tests such as index tests, classification tests, compaction tests, permeability tests, consolidation tests, shear tests, triaxial tests, unconfined compression tests, direct shear tests, etc. Field testing involves subjecting soil or rock specimens to various types of tests such as standard penetration test (SPT), cone penetration test (CPT), vane shear test (VST), pressuremeter test (PMT), dilatometer test (DMT), plate load test (PLT), ```html etc. The results of testing are presented in the form of graphs, tables, charts, reports, etc.

How to Learn Geotechnical Engineering?

If you want to learn geotechnical engineering, you need to have a solid background in mathematics, physics, and geology. You also need to have access to books and resources that can help you understand the concepts and applications of geotechnical engineering.


One of the best books that can help you learn geotechnical engineering is Geotechnical Engineering Principles and Practices 2nd Edition by Coduto, Yeung, and Kitch. This book covers all the topics that are essential for geotechnical engineering such as soil mechanics, rock mechanics, site investigation, testing, foundation engineering, slope stability, earth retention systems, soil improvement techniques, geosynthetics, groundwater flow and seepage, soil dynamics and earthquake engineering, rock engineering, underground space utilization, geoenvironmental engineering, geohazards assessment and mitigation, offshore geotechnics, pavement engineering, and more.

Overview of the Book

The book is written by three experienced and renowned authors who have extensive knowledge and expertise in geotechnical engineering. The book has 18 chapters that are organized into four parts: Part I: Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering, Part II: Geotechnical Design Applications, Part III: Special Topics in Geotechnical Engineering, and Part IV: Appendices. The book has over 800 pages that are filled with clear explanations, illustrative examples, practical problems, relevant case studies, useful tables, informative figures, and helpful references. The book also has a companion website that provides additional resources such as solutions manual, PowerPoint slides, Excel spreadsheets, etc.

How to Download the Book for Free?

If you want to download the book for free, you can follow these steps:

  • Go to this link:

  • Click on the green button that says "Download PDF"

  • Sign up or log in with your email or social media account

  • Wait for a few seconds until the download is complete

  • Enjoy reading the book!


Besides books, there are also other resources that can help you learn geotechnical engineering such as online courses, websites, and journals. Here are some examples of these resources:

  • Online Courses: There are many online courses that can teach you the basics or advanced topics of geotechnical engineering. Some of these courses are offered by reputable universities or institutions such as MIT, Stanford, Berkeley, Coursera, edX, etc. Some examples of these courses are Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering (MIT), Geotechnical Engineering (Stanford), Soil Mechanics (Berkeley), Geotechnical Engineering and Earthquake Engineering (Coursera), etc.

  • Websites: There are many websites that can provide you with useful information and data about geotechnical engineering. Some of these websites are maintained by professional organizations or associations such as ASCE, ISSMGE, DFI, etc. Some examples of these websites are,,, etc.

  • Journals: There are many journals that can publish the latest research and developments in geotechnical engineering. Some of these journals are peer-reviewed and have high impact factors such as Géotechnique, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (ASCE), International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, etc.


In conclusion, geotechnical engineering is a fascinating and important field of civil engineering that deals with the behavior and properties of earth materials such as soil and rock. It applies the principles of mechanics, hydraulics, geology, and mathematics to analyze, design, construct, and maintain structures that are built on or in the ground. It also ensures the safety, stability, performance, efficiency, sustainability, and environmental protection of these structures.

If you want to learn geotechnical engineering, you need to have a solid background in mathematics, physics, and geology. You also need to have access to books and resources that can help you understand the concepts and applications of geotechnical engineering. One of the best books that can help you learn geotechnical engineering is Geotechnical Engineering Principles and Practices 2nd Edition by Coduto, Yeung, and Kitch. You can download this book for free from the link provided in this article. You can also use other resources such as online courses, websites, and journals to enhance your knowledge and skills in geotechnical engineering.


Here are some frequently asked questions about geotechnical engineering:

  • What is the difference between geotechnical engineering and geology?

Geotechnical engineering is a branch of civil engineering that deals with the engineering behavior and properties of earth materials such as soil and rock. Geology is a branch of science that deals with the origin, history, structure, and composition of the earth.

  • What are the types of foundations used in geotechnical engineering?

The types of foundations used in geotechnical engineering include shallow foundations and deep foundations. Shallow foundations are those that transfer the load of the structure to the soil near the surface such as strip foundations, pad foundations, raft foundations, etc. Deep foundations are those that transfer the load of the structure to the soil at a greater depth such as piles, piers, caissons, etc.

  • What are the types of slopes used in geotechnical engineering?

The types of slopes used in geotechnical engineering include natural slopes and artificial slopes. Natural slopes are those that are formed by natural processes such as erosion, weathering, deposition, etc. Artificial slopes are those that are created by human activities such as excavation, filling, grading, etc.

  • What are the types of retaining walls used in geotechnical engineering?

The types of retaining walls used in geotechnical engineering include gravity walls, cantilever walls, counterfort walls, buttress walls, sheet pile walls, diaphragm walls, etc. These walls are used to prevent soil from collapsing or sliding due to lateral earth pressure or other forces.

  • What are the types of soil improvement techniques used in geotechnical engineering?

The types of soil improvement techniques used in geotechnical engineering include compaction, grouting, reinforcement, drainage, preloading, vibroflotation, dynamic compaction, stone columns, lime stabilization, cement stabilization, etc. These techniques are used to improve the strength, stiffness, permeability, drainage, or other properties of soil.



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